This course teaches enhanced studio camera operator techniques for TV studio camera operators, and offers a review of existing skill sets for the experienced studio camera operator.
Learning objectives
- Mastering camera pedestal operational skills
- Mastering picture composition skills
Course duration: 5 days
Attendee number: 10 (maximum per course)
Attendees: Studio cameramen (intermediate and advanced)
Note: This course assumes that the participants are experienced TV studio camera operators and have proficiency with camera pedestal technique.
During the workshop and a series of hands-on practical exercises, participants using the sports broadcast studio camera in combination with the elite camera pedestal, will master their camera pedestal technique and picture making capabilities.
Course content
The course is split into theory and practice. It covers:
- Enhanced camera pedestal operational skills
- Composition theory and picture making skills
Part 1: Enhanced camera pedestal operational skills
- Pedestal operating checklist – 10 operational guidance points
- Implementation and practise of 10 pedestal operation guidance points
Part 2: Composition and picture making skills
- Frames within frames
- Closed and open framing
- Dissonance
- Lines of perspective
- 180-degree rule
- The development shot
- Execute checklist of pedestal operating techniques
- Demonstrate appreciation of image composition theories and execute an array of shots
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Have a more in depth working knowledge of camera operations in a studio environment
- Understand the constraints and the technical capabilities of the cameras
- Have a more creative idea of how to enhance the programming