For the very first time this Replay Operations Module will cover technical training by EVS and editorial training by Broadcast Academy. Certificate will be awarded by EVS and Broadcast Academy on successful completion of the course.
For more information regarding the course in London, please visit the NFTS Website by clicking on the button.
Course Details
In Partnership with the National Film & Television School
Date: 25-28 October 2021
Number of Places: 8
Duration: 4 Days
Course Fees:
- Freelance Rate: £1500
- Corporate Rate: £1700
How to Apply: Please fill out the registration form listed at the bottom of the page.
*In case of non-participation, we follow a non-refund policy, for avoidance of doubt in case of non-participation no refund will be done by Broadcast Academy to the user. If Broadcast Academy cancels the course, participants are entitled to a full refund.
* Only shortlisted applicants will be invited to participate in this course.

Course Information

This course is designed to benefit Replay Operators in production of live sports events. The programme involves use of real-world sports events as training environment. The training lays emphasis on the editorial aspects of replays ─ why to use replays, what for, what is relevant and what’s not, ideal workflow and communication, both with EVS team and director, camera angles, and common mistakes.
The theoretical and practical aspects of the course aim to encourage and develop existing expertise and creativity of participants. This course will cover editorial philosophy of two sports- football and tennis.
Course Objectives
- Review/learn the basic principles of editorial treatment and acquire best practices for storytelling using action replays
- Understand the role of replays in sports TV production
- Get acquainted with the use of different camera positions in a live sports production
- Develop an in-depth view about narrative in sports coverage using replays and slow-motion replays
- Realise the Director’s constraints & expectations
- Understand various roles in a production team and work effectively as a team

Sample Course Plan
Note: The below course agenda is for reference purposes only.
Day 1: Theory & Practise
- Basics of Replays & set-up for a Football match
- Preparation & technique
- Understanding the OB
- Team leader & communicator
- Story telling & editorial
- Camera plan & Match review
- Introduction to the LSM-XT3
- Practise session on the LSM-XT3 ─ Replays in a Football match
Day 2: Theory & Practise
- Camera Case Study 1 (Wide cameras) – Cam 1, 16m/18 yard, High Behind, Spydercam
- Camera Case Study 2 (Close-Up/tight cameras) – Camera 2 & 3, Bench/reaction cameras, Low by goal, Steadicam, Reverse cameras, Super slo/ultra-motion
- Advanced Expectations of the EVS operator – Bus arrivals, dressing room filming, warm-ups, Editing: Highlights, ISO packages & Music pieces
- Practise session on the LSM-XT3 ─ Replays in a Football match
Day 3: Theory & Practise
- Case Study: Review a Football match, create a camera plan and explain their philosophy of directing/storytelling of some major incidents
- Practise session on the LSM-XT3 ─ Replays in a Football match
- Basics of Replays & set-up for a Tennis match
- Preparation & technique, Understanding the OB, Team leader & communicator
- Story telling & editorial
- Camera plan & Match review
- Practise session on the LSM-XT3 ─ Replays in a Tennis match
- Case Study: Review a Tennis match
Day 4: Practise
- Practise session on the LSM-XT3 ─ Replays in a Tennis match
- Case Study submission by each Participant
- Trainer feedback to all participants
- Evaluation of the session, certificates distribution & closing ceremony
Our Experts
Matthew Curtis, Sports TV Producer
- Versatile media professional with vast experience of working on high profile sports events.
- Production credits include UEFA Champions League including the all-English Champions League final 2019, Tottenham vs Manchester City and Liverpool vs Barcelona.
- Produced Premier League games and three FA Cup Finals.
- VT Coordinator/Slomo Producer at 2002, 2006, 2010 & 2014 FIFA World Cups.
- Production credits include 2012 Summer Olympics and 2015 Rugby World Cup.
- Worked for some of the world’s biggest broadcasters like BBC, Al Jazeera Sport, BT Sport, HBS, UEFA and Setanta Sports.
- Experience in other sports include Rugby, Boxing and Horse racing.
Rachel Pillar, EVS Expert
- Worked as an EVS Operator for various International sports events.
- Experience of working extensively with different EVS products.
- EVS trainer for live sports direction training session.
The Professional Equipment
LSM is part of the core operating system of the XT3 class of servers offered by EVS. The operational base is integrated into the server itself, and it recreates live editing experience for sports and live event broadcasting within a controlled environment. It provides replay mode functions in slow motion, super motion and a range of on-the-fly editing action and includes LSM Connect for clips and playlist management, specific Paint mode, Target mode and split screen. It is configured with the two EVS XT3 live video servers and an IP director – enabling up to 12 ISO camera feeds in High Definition 1080i format for ingest/playout, a Dyvi live video switcher for the camera cutting and all necessary slow-motion operational tools to create the replay sequences.

Financial Support
These courses are subject to AFDAS funding. For information on AFDAS, please contact:
Scholarships are offered to women from the broadcasting field to further their career in the sports broadcast industry. For more information, please contact us at:
Social Distancing Policies
- Broadcast Academy session facilities allow for sufficient social distancing of attendees, and other safeguards such as reduced attendance, personal hygiene protocols and enhanced cleaning.
- Seating – maintain 6 feet of distance between participants workplaces – when seating at the switcher- compulsory to wear mask.
- Any symptoms of coronavirus – cough and cold, fever etc will be treated as serious. Participants will not be allowed to attend the course with the symptoms unless there is reliable COVID-19 testing available to rule out the possibility. Broadcast academy cannot guarantee any refund of course once started as all participants will need to have their own medical/health insurance before attending the course.
- All participants will require to complete travel history (up to 1 month) prior to the course dates.
- All participants will confirm if they have had any antibody test prior to attending the course.
- All participants will be required to adhere to the social distancing policies and Broadcast Academy and its partners will have the right to refuse entry to the course venue to anyone found violating the policy.
Note: The above social distancing policies may be subject to change as per the government’s guidelines to be announced in the future.
Broadcast Academy will endeavour to ensure minimal risks due to the current Covid-19 situation. At any given time, keeping in mind the health and security of our participants, we may organise certain sessions online, and the rest, particularly the practical aspect of the training, face-to-face. The participants will be notified prior to any such changes in the method of delivery of the courses.