Find out what our students are saying about the Broadcast Academy courses.
Brian St. Juste,
Live Direction Course, Miami
"It was an excellent opportunity to get first-hand knowledge of production at a higher level. Practical experience was important, and the experts gave some major tips and guidelines that can be implemented in my workflow."
Sigrid Lelièvre,
Live Direction Course, France
"Ayant suivi le module "Live Sports direction" organisé par la Broadcast Academy, je suis ravie de vous faire part de ma satisfaction la concernant. La qualité des intervenants, leur générosité à partager leur vision de nos métiers, l'excellent accompagnement des équipes …en tous points cette formation a excédé mes attentes."
Susanthi Jeewani Premachandra,
ABU Live Direction course, Sri Lanka
"It was a great learning experience for me to be mentored by BA expert and trying my hands on the simulator. The practical aspect of this session definitely made the experience fulfilling."
Yudhi Dharma Setiawan,
ASBU Live Direction course, Tunisia
"I travelled from far to come to Tunis. It was a new experience for me. I now know how to use my equipment better. I am a producer, and for me it was an unforgettable experience!"
Mauricio Malpartida,
NFTS Live Direction course, UK
"Good operational training definitely enjoyed and learned. I learnt a concept and how to tell a story. I have come back from the course with knowledge and friends."